Random Posts Widget For Blogger
Random Posts widget is an awesome widget for your Blogger Blog. Most important feature of this widget is it lets your Blog visitors to surf more blog posts in your blog.Surely it increases your Blog's internal links that lets your blog higher traffic. Its let your users to spend more time in your Blog.
Install Random posts widget
- Sign In to your Blogger Account.
- Go to Design -> Page Elements
- Click on Add Gadget and look for HTML/Javascript take it
- Give the title as you need(eg:Random Posts)
- Copy and paste the below code to the content section
<div class="noop-random-posts"> <script type="text/javascript"> var randarray = new Array(); var l=0; var flag; var numofpost=5; function nooprandomposts(json){ var total = parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10); for(i=0;i < numofpost;){flag=0;randarray.length=numofpost;l=Math.floor(Math.random()*total); for(j in randarray){if(l==randarray[j]){ flag=1;}} if(flag==0&&l!=0){randarray[i++]=l;} }document.write('<ul>'); for(n in randarray){ var p=randarray[n]; var entry=json.feed.entry[p-1]; for(k=0; k < entry.link.length; k++){if(entry.link[k].rel=='alternate'){ var item = "<li>" + "<a href=" + entry.link[k].href + ">" + entry.title.$t + "</a> </li>"; document.write(item);}} }document.write('</ul>');} </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&start-index=1&max-results=1000&callback=nooprandomposts"></script></div>
- Click on Save and its Done...
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